Isa 30:20-21 (NIV) Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
Hearing from the Lord? Yes, hearing. I have had prayer or conversations with God since I was a child. I do this because my grandfather made me feel very comfortable about sharing my thoughts with God. I know he knows them but I tell Him anyway. My grandfather had a spiritual presence around him continually, he had retired from the ministry years before and was my caretaker in his 90's. He had a lot to share.
I have always had prophetic dreams but I ignored them sometimes, I also didn't really understand the Holy Spirit or that God communicated in other ways besides scripture and my dreams. I first heard or had the feeling of knowing that God spoke to me when my mother was dying of cancer. It was a small little thing while I was driving to the hospital and it wasn't even connected to my mother's condition. Yet, I knew where it came from.
Since then, from time to time I have received feeling and thoughts that were from the Lord to guide me. Now I am not always open to these things or my mind may be to cluttered to really tune in on them. but this is a new time in my life. More and more I read about how God speaks and I realize that I can pray, talk, and hear more from God.
I am of course running the risk that people who don't believe that God speaks in different ways to His sheep are going to say that it is just crazy but that's too bad. Read the scriptures, there are many examples in both New and Old Testaments that reference God speaking, that His voice can be heard, and that He desires to have conversations with us.
Christ came so that we could speak and hear from the Lord personally, praying in the name of Jesus. No prophet or intercessor is necessary in order to stand before the Lord and know Him only when we pray, we need to ask forgiveness (I mean for everything known and unknown as far as sin), ask for help to forgive others (this can be a process), and pray in Jesus's name. We need to speak to the Lord and we need to listen and He will answer. It may take time to hear, we might not like the answer but He speaks to us.
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