Pray for those you love

This blog is for the women who have loved ones they are willing to stand in the gap for in front of the Almighty.

Pray for the Lord's will and not your own. Pray for protection. Pray for the life of someone you love to be changed and transformed into what the Lord would have for that person.

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Praise God for all the Women Prayer Warriors!

Monday, April 4, 2011

God teaches me about intimacy

Psalm 37:4  Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Every woman wants to feel deeply loved by someone it's just how we are made. I think some people can be alone and are fine but the most need someone to share their life with because that is the way God designed us. Unfortunately, the fear of being alone or the desire to be loved can be so strong in a person that they accept a relationship that is harmful to them or is not genuine. 

I've lived alone for several years now and spent many years on and off being alone. I always thought it was okay to be alone and although I wanted an intimate relationship with a man I hadn't a clue exactly what that really meant. I've felt love and in many cases been loved by men I didn't love. I thought I had experienced the love of my life also but I did not receive love in return only what really was an empty shell. Many of the issues surrounding my experiences for most of my life were influenced by not understanding what love is, what intimacy is, and what God's expectations in these areas are all about. 

I've been in God's school "Intimacy 101" lately and I have learned that He did indeed make me to share my life intimately and fully with someone. I have an incredible amount of love and mercy to share and actively doings so would give me profound joy. God didn't give me these gifts just for fun, it is the way I am and I need to embrace this. 

What God did not make me for is to be viewed as just flesh to someone,  substandard, or to be used and discarded, or even just a standby. Many people treat their spouses or love interests this way and it's not what God had intended at all. Such acts devalue both people until there is nothing left but an empty shell with no real passion, desire or love. 

I am learning over again through God to enjoy a gentle look, a thoughtful act, and mutual appreciation of conversation and laughter. To accept attention and intentions that are not about lust but something much deeper. God is love and love is not sin, only what we choose to do in the name of love complicates things. Love shouldn't be complicated or painful but fulfilling and satisfying. 

God has pointed out to me that He didn't intend for anyone to settle for anything less than what He has to offer them when it's His will. I know a couple who's been married for fifty years and it isn't hard to see the excitement and joy they bring each other as if they had just started dating. They are in their seventies but are as playful as children with each other. I'm afraid I wouldn't accept anything less for myself. 

The beginning of real love is in our relationship with the Lord. If I cling to the Lord He will add all things to me. He's teaching me now about intimacy with Him and with myself with a few extra's thrown in for good measure. A random phone call, exchange of the days happenings, humor, and just because....

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